
Monday, February 6, 2012

Liebster Love

I am so grateful of the supportive picture book writing community that I've become a part of through Susanna Hill's Perfect Picture Book Friday and Julie Hedlund's 12x12. I'm normally more of a "lurker" as I'm a bit reserved, and am so surprised how comfortable I've been posting both to my own blog and to others' blogs in the past week. So, thank you to everyone who has been so kind.

I also want to thank fellow kidlit authors Diane of Writer and Dreamer at work, Beth of By Word of Beth, and Darshana of Flowering Minds for awarding me the Liebster award.

Here's more about the award and how it works:  
“Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to these wonderful blogs!”

The rules of the Liebster are to thank the person who gave me the award and link back to that person’s blog, to tell you five random things about myself, and to pass the award on to five other worthy bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. 

So, onto the five random things about me:

  1. In the moments when I am not caring for my children or writing picture books (and blog posts), I am working on a new business venture, called Plate It Safe, to help people with severe food allergies and intolerances find and recommend safe food options.
  2. My favorite place is Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
  3. I have a titanium elbow -- the result of a cycling accident.
  4. I am such an introvert that I never said a word in kindergarten, and my teacher didn't know I spoke English (I am of Asian descent) until the end of the year, when she talked to my mom. I'm still reserved, but not so horribly shy that I can't speak up when it's needed.
  5. I have had memorable adventures being lost while hiking, including ending up on the grounds of a nuclear power plant and coming this close (thumb and pointer finger touching) to being face-to-face with a grizzly bear. So, you don't want to hike with me!  

Here are the five blogs I've chosen to award the Liebster. Hope you stop by and take a peek!


  1. Congratulations on all your nominations! Even though we have been critique partners for almost a year, I feel like I am getting to know more about you now. Yeah! Your Plate it Safe seems like a great initiative, and one that is very much needed. My nephews have allergies to cashews, kiwi, egg whites.

    I love hiking, and am waiting for my kids to get a little older so I can take them. We'll need to sync up on good places to go in the Bay Area.

    Enjoy the Award!!

  2. As someone with many food allergies, I am delighted to learn about your "Plate it Safe" plans.

    As Darshana said, Enjoy the Award!

    1. It's always good to hear positive feedback from someone with food allergies. Thanks Beth!

  3. Plate it Safe sounds great. BTW - I also have some titanium pieces and parts from a baaad accident. Glad you are okay. COngratulations on the Liebster Award. : )

    1. Thanks Alison! Yikes -- your accident sounds worse than mine. I'm glad you are okay too!
